10 Clever Ways to Get More Comments on Instagram

10 Clever Ways to Get More Comments on Instagram

Get more comments on Instagram with the tips mentioned in this article. Every second human being on this earth is found using Instagram and when you go a day or two without checking your app. Your feed shows something like this, you will notice that a few posts from your friends were which were shared just a few minutes ago, while others’ feeds will be of few days old.

well, what is the idea behind this? Why is your Instagram feed catchy captions in order anymore?

Like, other social media, Instagram‘s algorithm has also changed.

In this blog, we’ll also have a quick rundown on the new algorithm, along with some basic tips on how you can create the most possible post to get more comments on Instagram — which will help you to jump higher in the feed and get noticed by new users.

Guide to the Instagram Feed Algorithm

In June 2016, Instagram announced that it was changing its algorithm to make users’ content valuable by showing that they cared first — never mind when it was posted.

Before we go for strategies for attracting more comments, there are a few things you need to do prior:

1. Get more comments on Instagram trick #1 – Make your account public.

When you get new followers they can find your content by opening your account so when it is public all your posts are in visible mode.  Direct to your profile, tap the Settings icon on the upper right-hand corner, and swipe the Private Account button to the Off position.

10 Ways to Get More Comments on Instagram

1. Get more comments on Instagram trick #1 – Host a giveaway or contest.

An easy and exciting way to get more followers to comment on the Instagram posts is by organizing an Instagram contest or lucky draws. You can post on Instagram by promoting the contest, and asking users to enter by giving comments on your post. You can plan for a weeklong contest campaign, where users need to comment each day.

2. Get more comments on Instagram trick #2 – Host an Instagram takeover.

 The takeovers are an interesting way to gain fresh content on your Instagram page and get a chance to work with coworkers and influencers. They can smartly generate more Instagram relations, too.

It involves one Instagram user taking another’s feed, during a day, and publishing from another’s point of view. Takeovers are usually  done from the perspective of friends, influencers, colleagues

3. Get more comments on Instagram trick #3 – Ask users to engage in the comments.

An easy way to get more comments on Instagram is by asking them.

The content which you post on Instagram lends to sharing and questioning users to answer a simple question by tagging friends and colleagues in the comments. It’s super easy and fun to interact with your audience, by helping you to gain more comments.

for example: “Agree or disagree?” or “What’s your advice?” to get more responses and earn comments.

4. Post something funny, surprising, or provocative.

According to a study, it says – The secret behind content getting viral is based on the research that revealed that most of the internet sensation moments are also provoked with high emotion-seeking videos. Emotions that gave the feelings of joy were very common, so when you think about any content which you wish to share on Instagram which makes people feel emotionally strong that they cannot stop them from giving comments on it.

5. Publish videos.

 People’s Time spent on viewing videos on Instagram has increased by  40% in 2016, and now, users post their videos up to one minute as reels. Post any engaging content to get followers which makes them stop scrolling through their feeds and start watching your video — and make sure it’s interesting.  The audience demands more video content — specifically on social platforms — so when you share anything noticeable do ask your Audience to comment on it by giving catchy captions,  which they would likely mostly.

6. Usage of relevant hashtags.

 your content with your post matters only when relevant, and popular Instagram hashtags are used. your posts will appear during searches when those hashtags are used and during the tab is explored.

For eg: Ask followers how they celebrated Diwali #diwali2021, acknowledge a #awesome Christmas, or

7. Post at the right time of day.

Huge discussion and debate are still going on over the perfect time of the day to post on social media, and the answer varies from industry – industry, your followers, and the type of content you’re posting.

The best advice is to run a test on your session rates on Instagram where your post can be posted at different times throughout that particular week which determines your posting schedule according to the results.

anyhow, it is a bright   Monday morning or later in the afternoon, try to analyze the time when your followers are more attracted and stop scrolling and leave their comments to maximize the engagement of your posts each day. Use of social media calendar for tracking and scheduling results.

8. Post photos of people’s faces.

Lovely human beings can only be known when they post their pic — selfies are super fun. And as we make out, they’re good for your Instagram Planning, too.

A report on which more than 1 million Instagram posts by the Georgia and yahoo labs have found that posts with human faces are 32% most likely tends to attract comments — and 38% more likely to gain likes.

9. Publish photos of animals.

Well, there is no valid proof, but even you know as well that animals on social media are the biggest influencer. Animals are popular on the web for a very long time, and animal influencers have the potential to earn just as much money as human influencers on Instagram and other social media.

Well, if you have animals in your office/home or a sweet picture of a neighbor’s pet, keep posting lighter, humorous content on Instagram getting a funny friend to see that your followers like to comment on animals, too.

10. Acknowledge the comments you get.

Similar to other social media, replying to comments can give your followers a good impression that you’re actually interested in what they are saying. When a particular user gets a comment in response, they can continue the comment saga.

Moreover, when others notice that your account is responding to comments, they will absolutely feel like giving comments on the post too to join in the discussion or ask any queries regarding your post.

Hence we have come to conclusion and we have seen super easy and interesting ways to make Instagram more popular and how you can gain more followers.
