Social Media Impact on Google Search Results


Social Media impact on Google Search Results is huge, let’s waste no time and get to learning.

According to various researches done, there is an increase in search engine ranking of the webpage by posting webpage links. It also includes content and videos of your business on social platforms. Studies have suggested that there’s a correlation between social media shares and higher rankings.

Content that ranks well on Google often also has a lot of shares, retweets, and likes. Most experts agree, though, that rankings aren’t directly affected by social signals. Social media shares are correlated with better rankings, while we can’t say that social media shares cause better rankings.

A piece of your content could get shared thousands of times on Twitter without budging at all in Google’s search engine results.

Whilst, when social media appears to be causing a boost in ranking:

  • Content that gets shared a lot get seen a lot.
  • Content that gets seen a lot is more likely to get linked to from other websites.
  • Those additional backlinks are the cause of the better rankings.
  • The improved rankings also lead to increased social media activity.

Create content that is worth linking to

A common mistake here is self-promotional content. Standard web pages that advertise your services or products or tell readers all about your company. These are important for your site but they’re not likely to get much traction on social media.

Instead of producing more of the same on your blog, focus on creating content that’s more informational.

Don’t try to build links on social media

If you’re thinking about building links on social media for SEO, you’re thinking about it wrong. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn themselves are authoritative but links from personal accounts on those sites tend not to be. Firstly, most links from personal accounts are no-followed which means that they don’t strictly pass search engine reputation. And secondly, from a search engine perspective, even if they did pass reputation, it would likely be from personal use and not the social media site so it wouldn’t be worth a lot unless that user was very influential.

On top of that, links on social media tend to get buried deep into a news feed within minutes or hours they don’t stay visible like links on websites. Instead of approaching social media as a way to build links, then, you need to think about it as a way to build a following. That doesn’t necessarily mean going after as many people as possible, though.

Build social media following

Having a huge social media following probably won’t hurt, but it may not help as much as you’d imagine, either. Instead of focusing on the sheer quantity of people following you, think about the quality of your following. Being followed by just 100 people can be better for SEO than 10,000 if it includes the top 5 influencers in your industry who publish content regularly.

To get noticed by these people, avoid pestering them for links, take time to build up a relationship. Share their content. Don’t just retweet it or share it without comment, but craft your tweet or post where you talk about how good their piece is and why people should read it. This will make far more impact on the influencer than yet another retweet. Help them with their link building by linking to them from your guest posts on large blogs.  

If you want to harness the power of social media to indirectly help your SEO, try creating valuable and interesting content, building the right following on social media, and helping out your followers without expecting anything immediately in return.

You’ll likely see that you naturally gain valuable backlinks and that your content, and the site as a whole, begin to rank better as a result.


I hope you understood the social media impact on Google Search Results.

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