No marketing means no business!

Every human has intelligence and emotions by nature. Both should be united united to create stories on why you do what you do. That story is called marketing. No marketing means no business.

BTW, what is marketing?

Marketing is defined by many academicians and industrialist in so many ways. There is no concrete one definition for marketing. Everyone is right in their own experience. Because marketing makes or breaks the business. In my opinion, marketing is nothing but the process of making as much as happy customers for your product or service and converting them as your brand ambassador. Every one knows the word of mouth is the best and proven marketing. But now days word of mouth has become electronic. Electronic word spreads faster at a lightening speed. Word of mouth becomes viral. The first tweet from first show of a super star movie decides its box office fate. That is it. It spreads electronically at an unimaginable speed even before first show gets over. In fact, the second show of a movie by a popular hero is decided by one first tweet from a fan while watching the first show. Most of the time, main stream and traditional medias nowadays depends upon the things coming from social media. During this digital era, making customers happy became more than ever. Making initial adapters to your service and product has become predominant as it has direct influence over your top line. 
