SEO related doubts are very common, and most people feel shy to ask them. so, in this article you’ll find all the answers to the questions that arises in your mind often. When I started my SEO as a career, every day I used to make myself a level up so that in the field of marketing I could compete with others and
Would rank higher for my website. well, this means that I am an SEO genius?.
Not at all. I am a learner and every day in my life I would encounter myself with so many questions that I keep searching and learning side by side. I am sure even you face so many queries and confusion on basic and simple problems faced during the event. what are we waiting for lets clear the myths and confusion, here we are.
Answers to your SEO FAQs You Felt Too shy to Ask.
SEO related doubts #1 – What is SEO?
SEO Acronym search engine optimization. It is the procedure that helps your website become more eye-catching in organic search results for all those people who are checking for your brand, product, or service through search engines sites such Yahoo, Bing, and Google…
SEO related doubts #2 – Difference between organic vs. paid results?
Organic results appear in search engines for absolutely free and based on an algorithm. Paid results are called inorganic search results which appear at the top or side of a page in an eye-catching way. These links pay for advertising to appear on different search engines.
A meta description is a text which appears every below the page in a search engine result that explains that page.in short, the meta description means ad data inside a data. for example, the meta description is all about “Learning the elements that needed to be written in a comprehensive blog post n just easy steps.”
SEO related doubts #3 – Meta descriptions and current usage?
yes, absolutely they still matter, but not in the same way they used to. They are placed to optimize for keywords so the audience would know more about your page contents in advance and a small brief; well, it’s very important that you write something interesting that makes readers want to select your page so that you can improve your conversion rates from SERP results to your website.
SEO related doubts #4 – Must I optimize my domain name to include keywords?
Your foremost domain ought not to include a keyword only for the sake of keyword optimization — which will definitely hurt your SEO. If your company has a name that has a keyword, that’s fine, but don’t purchase inboundplayfiulmarketing.com. I guess you got what I mean?
SEO related doubts #5 – How can I know that I’m using the right number of keywords and when on a page?
sadly, I can’t tell you the exact number that is the “right” number of keywords on a page, mostly because that’s the wrong way to think about keyword optimization.
Don’t aim for any keyword density you should be — in fact, using a keyword too many times will result in a huge problem due to too much “keyword stuffing.” Just remember you have the responsibilities of million readers, and then use keywords when you need to.
SEO related doubts #6 – Differences between internal and inbound links?
Internal links are links on a page on your site which jumps to another page on your site. Inbound links are different websites that are linked with your content. Both are equally important for SEO.
7) SEO related doubts #7 – The number of internal links is required on each page of content?
As you know that you must not stuff too many keywords into your content, the same way avoids stuffing too many links into your content. It is recommendable to use it to improve the reader experience.
SEO related doubts #8 – knowledge of coding is necessary for SEO?
There is no requirement on how to code for all elements of search optimization. There are some more advanced SEO tactics, it would be great if you get time to know a basic understanding of code and its usage, but it is not important for everything.
SEO related doubts #9 – What is robots.txt?
This page gives search engines information about the pages of a company that needed to be indexed or crawled. You can get this page by doing to YOURDOMAIN/robots.txt.
SEO related doubts #10 – What is the sitemap.xml file?
This file gives you the index of all the pages on your site. It is a super quick reference for search engines of content that you want to be indexed.
SEO related doubts #11 – Difference between indexed and crawling?
When search engines scan through the content on your website, they are crawling your site. As they scan your site, the index content will appear in the search engine. However, an important thing you must know is not all content is indexed. Search engines pick those content that will and won’t index as they go through the crawling process.
SEO related doubts #12 – How can I see what pages are indexed?
It is simple just type in site:www.YOURDOMAIN.com to find the pages of your site that have got indexed.
14) Why do you need alt text on your images?
Search engines cannot read images, but they can read text. The alt text helps them figure out what the images are all about. Plus, if a page doesn’t load for some reason, people can still find out what the image is by reading the alt text.
SEO related doubts #13 – How much time does it take to check the results from SEO?
There are certain various factors that determine how quickly or slowly results will come. This list is as follows, but these are some of few cases:
- How much content do you create
- The content quality matters
- How the content connects with your audience
- If you have a big or small site or strong or weak domain authority
A huge site could possibly see the results in 2 -3 days if search engines wriggle their site regularly. Smaller sites can take a bit longer because they get searched less frequently. Wait for a week, but probably sometimes to a month.
SEO related doubts #14 – Should I hire someone to do my SEO?
Employing someone internally or externally for your SEO might be helpful, but sometimes it can be quite risky if that person doesn’t know about the modern rules of SEO. Google has some related information regarding the risk of hiring the wrong SEO person.
Well, you could have cleared all your queries. Happy reading!!