1. Collect the name, contact number, email ID, and address of the owner as per the details available in their Aadhar card / any other ID proofs
2. Collect their Aadhar card copy to validate the owner’s details
3. Collect the name, contact number, address, and Gmail ID of the Company if available.
4. Create a new Gmail ID for the company using owner details
5. Set up GMB for the company using the company’s Gmail ID
6. Create Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr accounts using Gmail ID with owner details
7. Login into Facebook using the above created a Facebook account and create a Facebook page for the company. All the posts should be posted on this page only.
8. Facebook account should be used only to log in the Facebook. No need to post all the postings of the company here.
9. Login into LinkedIn and set up a Company page under the work menu. Post all the company-related content only on this page. No need to post all the postings here.
10. Only on Facebook and LinkedIn, posts should be posted on the page. For the rest of social media (Twitter, insta, pint, Tumblr, etc..)posts can be posted on the account itself.