Tricks to attract a customer in a department store will gain more profit in case of money and customers satisfaction. How can we say is a customer more satisfied? How to entice the customer? What are the main steps that the company should take? It all starts with the owner showering positivity to the manager, manager to employee, and finally employee to customer. It takes huge teamwork to make the customer feel safe and satisfied, which also makes the company attain more profit. The internal and external part of the store is very important to trick to grab the attention of the customer by their appearance. Why? People come in four-wheelers or two-wheelers and they are asked to park in the parking area. The company has a chance to make them surround the departmental store by locating the parking area at the back, so that customer can surf all around which persuades them to get attracted by the external view. Warm greetings are the second part which is a basic expectation from a customer, that might give fresh thought even when the customers feel completely low.
Observation in marketing is much needed because people don’t say everything out. Tricks to attract a customer in a department store needs observation that helps a lot in upbringing the company by the employee service. We must analyze what the customer needs and expects and should act according to it. According to the survey, the customers are more in women when compared to men, and the marketer leads the product placing path in a women point of view. For example, all needed house products and groceries are kept at the back so that, when the customer crosses all the products they get attracted and provoked by the side by-products and urge to buy. This is also a creative trick that a marketer can use to grab the eye of a customer. Another example is, you can place the perfume and other good fragrance products nearby the needed one so that the smell of it takes them all around the store. We must spruce up the appearance by giving them attractive and peaceful colors and good cleanliness. This takes one step higher to make the customer feel the warmth.

The window display is one of the important tricks that are very useful for a store. Where few department stores don’t even have a space for windows, because when the customer enters the store, they should not be aware of the time passing so fast and must be engaged in buying their needed products. This is also another technique that grabs the customers into their box. Tricks to attract a customer in a department store mainly need the symbols and signage of their company to entice the customer attention. That also plays a major role in uplifting attractiveness. We must have sensor stimulation that makes the walking customer stand and stares. Likewise, we must have better lighting and music to soothe the customer’s mind to get relaxed. Visual aids and advertisements are the two major attractions via a sensor, which helps the products and the company to grow. The personality of a store should be better in every aspect and make the customer trust you by giving a sample of a product to test it. Never forget to get a review of the customer at least in an online mode because people generally feel lazy to give a review or feedback.
The company should ask themselves what’s right and what’s wrong and should know about how potential the customer is because the company must impose the customer’s needs in the store and change the things which aren’t working first. Employee behavior towards customers also adds to the table. Persuading is all we need for a customer to be attracted. Usage of creativity also brings tricks into the departmental store because creativity gives uniqueness and uniqueness grabs the attention and attention of a customer pays off the marketer. In today’s world innovation is a must to survive because the things we see around us are everything copy and not original. Encourage the customers for their repeat visits by influencers. Target the best customers and try to give a special offer, so that others would visit the departmental store just for the offer which also makes them buy other products. Tricks to attract a customer in a department store is one of the best ways to influence the customer to buy more. Among all the tricks, choose the best one which reaches the customer and keep using it and get benefited.