UI Design

Introduction – UI Design

UI Design stands for “User Interface Design”.This is a digital procedure. Designers use it to build interfaces, based on their looks and styles.UI encloses both the appearance and interactivity of an App.

A UI Designer must follow certain criteria to create a design. To put it in an easy explanative way, A UI Designer must see what to put on the page. And the change in the button colors when you click on them

Ui design, however, is very different from UX Design. Having an understanding of the difference is very important. Know more about the difference between UI and UX Design.

Different forms of user interfaces linked with UI Design

There are three different types, they are

  • Graphical user interfaces(GUIs)
  • Voice-Controlled Interfaces(VUIs)
  • Gesture-Based Interfaces

Graphical user interface

It is interaction with electronic devices through the internet.

Their main use is primary notions, command labels, and text navigation. The desktop of a computer is a Graphical user interface.

The graphical user interface deployed commercially in Apple’s Macintosh and Microsoft’s Windows operating systems during the 1970s.

A problem that came up regarding the inefficient usability in command lines led to the development.

Developed in the laboratory of Xerox Palo Alto, it is the best programming language for Graphical user interfaces, are C# and Java are the most preferable languages that are being used. Others that may be considered are Python, HTML5, and C++.

Examples of Graphical User Interfaces

Sketchpad which was developed in 1962 on the MIT campus by Ivan Sutherland, is found as the very first computer-aided graphical design program. This had the features that use a light pen which enables the users to create in both real-time and coordinate axis in engineering drawing.

The real-time user examples of Graphical user interface which are very interactive applications to the users such as, ATMs, video games, smartphones, check-in, self ticketing, and desktops.

Voice-Controlled Interface

Its speech interaction with computers makes it possible for speech recognition, commands, and spoken replies from virtual speech assistance. Examples of this type of user interface are Siri speech assistant in iPhones, Alexa on Amazon devices, and a lot more of the same type.

The first-gen voice user interface was introduced in the year 1984 by SpeechWorks and Nuance. These were done using the Interactive voice recognition(IVR) systems.

Usage of the same design guidelines for both GUIs and VUIs is an impossible task. This provides a roadmap for the business. The smarter we design the VUIs the more experience and results we get.

If they are up to reading a human’s psychology what else does this technological world need. Every VUIs should be designed with excellent spoken and listening skills to make the required task possible and easier in all ways.

Examples of Voice Controlled Interface

  • Siri
  • Alexa
  • Cortana
  • Google Assistant

Real-Life Uses of The VUI – Video User Interface

VUI For Hotels

This can play a vital role in the hotels because when tourists come in, they would look for new, restaurants and lots of such needs it can even help them in their works like controlling the AC temperature, ordering food from the hotels, cafe.

VUI for Workspace

This is another main use of the VUIs. If we have VUIs assistants work becomes simpler, easier, and doesn’t consume much time. We need to search, spend time looking for what we need. However, when VUIs are around and are used your job is easier a voice note would make everything much simple. Even it can make u learn things easier and faster. 

VUI for E-Commerce

It enables the users to do hands-free shopping and makes this job also easier. If you ask for something you need, it provides you with the best matching option.

Gesture-Based Interfaces

It is the recognition of gestures with which interfaces are operated. Gestures like tilting, tapping, shaking, and physical actions.

What criteria must UI designs match to the needs of their customers:

  • UI Design should satisfy the user’s satisfaction.
  • It must gain users trust 
  • UI Design must communicate brands and should be connected with the emotions of the user.

Gesture-Based Interfaces

  • This has become part of everyday lives. Gesture-Based UI is the recognition of the physical motions that are made by the users and their responses. The touching, scrolling, pinching, rotating, moving everything comes under this.
  • The most common places where we use Gestures-Based UIs are smartphones. Starting from tablets, Smartphones to smart mini-laptops everything runs under gestural UIs.
  • The most recent innovation in this technology is the invention of eye movement recognition.
  • The most recent smartphone, Samsung Galaxy S4 is the latest smartphone that has been invented with the introduction of eyeball movement. In this, the screen scrolls itself recognizing our eyeball movements.


Be Conscious of Consistency

 keeping in mind the consistency of the work we do, we must take in both the internal and external consistency of work. 

We must check the colors we use, the typography, animations, and every basic design guide. 

For instance, when we talk about internal consistency, if a user wants to fill a form with two different pages to be submitted and the form has ‘send’ as a button in one of its pages and ‘submit’ as another, it leaves the page users confused. so every small thing must be noticed and to be done with consciousness.

External Consistency to be clearly explained, If a user wants to visit the home website’s page, he/she must get a home page option in their page but think if it’s given house instead, the users will be left in confusion. So every action must be conscious and consistent throughout.

Make users feel comfortable with controls

Users must feel easy and feel comfortable without difficulties and hesitation.

For example, If users want to close the dialogue box that pops out, it should be made possible to make users feel in control and take their own extra time in exploring the things.

Provide feedback to users in UI Design

While we provide feedback to the users while they are placing orders, It is a great advantage for the users to get more information on their orders. a message about their order arrival will make the user get a feel of relief. 

Providing extra tips that would be an advantage for both the users and the management. For instance, if it shows free purchase shipping or an extra offer on minimum purchase amounts is helpful.

Enabling users to rectify errors

User editing choice is a must, in case of mistakes.

 A pop-up notification allows the user to rectify their mistake. for the users to identify and rectify. During typing of the email, and passwords, or signing in and getting the specific reason that a password or the email is wrong is much easier.

Preventing users from making errors

If a user navigates a wrong button or chooses a wrong option, they must get an option to undo the mistakes and to make sure they find the right way. 

A very good example is while filling up a form. If in case you miss filling a required field there is a notification that doesn’t allow the page to get submitted without filling the field.

Don’t force users to remember information

This is a very common practice recent sellers depend on.

A simple example:-

A buyer visits a page that has displayed a 57% discount on a product. There are chances of the user forgetting the discount percentage, leading him to refer again.

If it’s not displayed on the page he is right back. there are many chances he might totally close the page and check out thinking to remember and log in again. 

Here’s how you can make it easy the original amount, discounted amount, and the percentage of everything can be specified under the products that are under discounts.

This increases the productivity due to discounts and in showing the differences in the original amount and the discounted.

Keeping it simple

It simply means having simple approaches while designing an interface. Distractions to the user are not a good thing.

The Design must satisfy different types of users

It must satisfy every type of user, an expert or a beginner both should be benefitted.

For example, If a beginner needs guidance it is satisfied. Not for the experts though. And the CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM simply said CMS is one of the great examples.


There are 7 UI Design tools that make designing easier:-

Conclusion – UI Design

UI Designing is a very important part of everyday life.

When you use an application or a website its design and its look and, feel makes the user come back for more.

A UI Designing must have good consistency, users’ feel, and easy to use. A proper tool leads to the best UI Design.
