What are Cluster Keywords and How to Use Them?

keyword cluster planning


Cluster keywords are nothing but defining a cluster of all the related keywords for a particular article to give complete context to search engines.

Keywords are essential to get a good ranking on search engines. A good practice while creating any content is to search for relevant keywords and use them in a way that puts your page above all others. While this is crucial, another aspect of using them is by looking for cluster keywords. What are they and why are they important? Let’s see an example.

Confusing Results?

Suppose you put in a query ‘apple products’ on google. Broadly speaking this can mean 2 things. The first one is the gadgets and products made by the tech company, Apple. The other would be the confectionery, jams, spreads, frozen and dried products made from the fruit, apple. Which one are you looking for? What result will be displayed if you just typed in ‘apple products’?

This is a classic case of using polysemic words. Polysemic are words with different meanings when used in a different context. For example, a mouse could mean the rodent or the computer accessory, fall could mean the action of falling or the season, cricket could mean the insect or the sport. 

Cluster Keywords’ Role

You certainly cannot use a single keyword and expect Google to show your page in the top results. You have to provide context for whatever content you produce. And the context can be built by using cluster keywords. Cluster keywords are nothing but words and phrases that are related to your primary keyword.

When you use cluster keywords, you provide the right context for your article. This indicates to Google that when you are writing about apple products and use cluster keywords like jams, spreads, recipes and dried fruit, you are talking about the fruit and not the electronic gadget giant.

Context is Important

Another reason why one should use cluster keywords is they provide the complete picture of the context. Search engines generally rank those pages higher if the pages have complete information about a subject. If you are writing a blog on ‘Healthy Dietary Tips’, it would be expected that your blog contains information on ‘healthy diet for weight loss’, ‘healthy diet food’, ‘low carb diet’, ‘healthy meal plans’, ‘healthy meal recipes’ and others. These can become your cluster keywords which you can use in your blog.

Having an acute understanding of SEO can improve your content’s visibility.

Cluster keywords are different from synonyms. Synonyms are just different words that mean the same. They do not provide the necessary breadth to the article for it to be detected as comprehensive information pieces by search engines. For example, you should not use the following synonyms in your keywords: ‘best beaches in India’, ‘best shores in India’ or ‘best coasts in India’. Instead, your keywords could be something like this: ‘best beaches in India’, ‘best vacation spots in India’, ‘things to do at the beach’, ‘watersport at beaches in India’ and others.


Follow the essential steps in Search Engine Optimization to bring out the best from your content.

The whole idea, in a nutshell, is to make our content more versatile rather than trying to forcefully use simple synonyms, which makes the blog look sketchy and uninteresting. Rather than focusing too much on keywords, one should think about the context and depth of information one can provide. This can lead to an increase in readership and, consequently, higher ranking on search engines.
