Why Every Site and Blog Must Enable SSL?



SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. It is the backbone for secure internet and its defence of sensitive content present on the website.

Even the website doesn’t carry any sensitive information like a debit card and credit card details. It is good to have it on the website. It helps to get the right privacy and protect the website from spam. This will make both website and visitor personal information safe.

Having a Sitemap for your website can help your online presence.

Why have SSL?

The core reason to have SSL on the website is to keep sensitive information safe and encrypted. The access should only be given to the authorised user to analyse and study.

It’s important because information entered on the internet will be passed from system to system to reach the main server. In between, if a hacker tries to steal sensitive information and he can use it for his beneficiary.

When used it is safe from hackers. The keen information becomes unreadable to the hackers except for the server. So that your entered information maintained safe under the encryption of SSL certificate.

How to Identify SSL

  • If you find the lock button before the domain name starts in the URL link then the website has encrypted SSL and if you find an imaginary symbol or with red colour icon then the website doesn’t consist of SSL and that is where the users are at more risk.
  • There is a major difference between in the link structure that is HTTP and HTTPS, if the website has the link structure that starts with HTTP then it doesn’t have the SSL and if the website has the link structure that starts with https then it contains the SSL with full security.

Certificate Authority

There is a term called Certificate Authority where the SSL encryption gives an entity which issues digital certificates to people after validating. The main aim of the Certificate Authority is to keep a perfect track on what has been issued and to issue the digital certificate. Most of the SSL secure only one domain which also protects your subdomain and mail registry. This will give the website an edge to perform safe and securely over the internet.


Recently Google had planned to remove all the blogs and website which do not have the SSL certificate but unfortunately, Google put a hold on to it. But the planning will never waste if the search engine giant has planned it.

It is always safe to have the certificate on the blogs and websites because we never know when Google is going to execute the planning of removing the pages which don’t have the security. So do not worry about putting some extra penny on the SSL for your websites.
